The Wonderful World of Sock Monkeys!

About Me

I live in Seattle with my partner Rolland, and our two dogs, Muggles and Noodle.

The amazing Noodle

I am a member of Theatrical Wardrobe Union Local #887 and have worked around town at various theatre venues for the last decade. My primary job is in the wardrobe department at Seattle Opera where I’m the dresser for the principal male artist.

My sock monkey career started as a way to fill down time backstage at the opera, recreating costumes worn by favorite performers I’ve worked with and dressing them on sock monkeys, which I then gift the performer with. I’ve now branched out to make sock monkeys of other characters I come across – some are based on real people, some fictional and others are purely from my imagination.

I make the sock monkey as well as the costume and accessories they are wearing. I’m an avid thrift store, yard sale and estate sale shopper, and I like to incorporate vintage fabrics, trims and other objects into my sock monkeys as often as possible. I’ve also got a huge stockpile of buttons and accessories from my grandmother and great aunt, and include something from their button boxes in every sock monkey I’ve designed.

The awesome Muggles

My interest in costuming and fashion has proven to be a natural feed for sock monkey clothing ideas. I love historical costume, but am particularly fond of mid-20th century fashion from the New Look into the mod era, probably because it’s the stuff my mom, aunts, grandmother and babysitters were all wearing when I was a kid. If I had more time and more room, I’d probably collect vintage clothing just to have it for reference as well as inspiration.

I have a long fascination with toys and dolls, and am particularly interested in vintage Barbie dolls. For a number of years I had a regular column in the collecting magazine Barbie Bazaar, I’ve travelled around the country evaluating and appraising collections, did some consulting work with Mattel on a  Barbie trivia game (that never made it out of development), and co-authored a collecting guide to the Skipper doll – Skipper: Barbie Doll’s Little Sister (buy it here!).

My book - now in its 2nd printing

The rest of my time I am a food writer, consulting chef and personal culinary trainer, and personal chef (I specialize in creating meals that fit the Weight Watchers food plan). Check out my food blogs: and blog that is on the Seattle PI.

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